Saturday, October 09, 2010

Halloween Party Games!

These fun and easy-to-play kids' Halloween party games make Halloween a little more spooky. These ghoulish games are great for kids' Halloween parties.
Eyeball Relay
  • 1 Ping pong ball for each team (painted like an eyeball)
  • 1 spoon for each team
Divide children into teams. Give the first child on each team a spoon and a ping pong ball. Set up the course to where they have to carry the "EYE" on the spoon to the end of the course and come back. Hand off to the next child and continue until all children have played on the team. First team done wins!

Spider Web
  • Ball of black yarn
Children stand in a circle. A ball of yarn is thrown across to another child. The child holds on to a piece of the yarn and then throws the ball across to another child. Continue until a spider web is created.

Mummy Wrap
  • Toilet paper on a roll
  • Adult helper 
  • Chair
If you desire to make this a relay, then you will need a roll of toilet paper for each team, an adult, and a chair. Each child takes turn wrapping up the adult as a mummy. Don't forget to unwrap them!

Spider Relay
Divide children into teams. Set up a course for them to race on. Have first child of each team sit down, put their arms behind them and walk (AKA crab walk) to the end of the course and back. Tag the next child and repeat until all the teams finish.

Pop the Balloon
  • At least 2 balloons for each child
  • Enough "treats" for each balloon to have one
Add the "treat" inside each balloon and blow up. Tie the balloon. Put all the balloons on the floor and tell the children how MANY they may pop. The children must pop the balloons by sitting on them and bouncing. Treat ideas: spider or other types of rings, sweets, mini balls, anything small that will fit inside a balloon.

Ghost Waiter
  • Balloon for each team
  • Paper plate for each team
Divide children into teams. Set up a course for them to race on. The child has to balance a balloon on a paper plate while walking it down the course and back to their team.

Scarecrow Nose
  • Sheet
  • Scissors
  • Paint
  • Adult helpers
Before the party, paint a scarecrow on a sheet. Cut out the area where the nose is. Keep in mind the height of the children playing the game!Divide the children into 2 teams. Take one team out into the hall. The other team stays in the classroom. Have the adults hold the sheet up. The first child out in the hall puts their nose through the hole in the sheet. The children in the classroom try to guess who is the scarecrow's nose.

Balloon Sweep
  • 1 Broom for each team
  • 1 Balloon for each team
Divide children into teams. Set up a course for them to race on. The children are to run relays sweeping the balloon along the course and back to their team. First team having all their players through the course wins.

Put a face on the pumpkin
  • Pumpkin cut out of poster board
  • Orange, yellow, and black paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Double-stick tape
  • Straws (purchase more than one per child)
  • Scissors
Create the pumpkin ahead of time. Make one for each team. Use double-stick tape on the areas where you want the face to be placed. Cut out, and paint, the pieces for each of the pumpkins. Create 2 eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, stem, and a leaf for each pumpkin. These will be the pieces that the children will place on the pumpkin.Child picks up a pumpkin piece with a straw (by inhaling) and places it on the paper pumpkin that is on the wall. Tape is already on the paper pumpkin where the piece should be set. Make a relay to see which team can create their pumpkin face first.

Trick or Treat Game
  • Paper
  • Pencil
Have the children write the words "Trick or Treat" on a piece of paper. Set a timer. See how many words they can make out of "Trick or Treat". Let children eat treats while they create the words.

Walk the fence
  • Masking tape
Make masking tape lines on the floor for each team. Divide the children into teams. Have the children walk backward on line of tape on floor. Go to end of tape, turn around and walk backward to team. First team to finish; wins!