Bat costume

- Black hooded top
- Black Umbrella
- Black Felt
- Safety pins or needle and thread
- Scissors
Start by removing the handle from the umbrella and then cutting the umbrella in half. This will make the bat wings. You may need to use some tools or even a saw to disassemble the umbrella.
Sew or use safety pins to attach the cut edge of the umbrella to the back of the arms of the hooded top. Make sure there are no sharp edges on the wings.
Cut ears out of black felt and use a needle and thread to sew them onto the hood of the top.
If you don't have an umbrella you can cut mini wings out of felt and pin them in place.
Ghost costume
- White cloth fabric (about 3 yards)
- White top with hood
- White and black make-up
- White glitter body spray
Make a poncho out of the white cloth fabric by cutting a hole in the middle of the material (make sure it is large enough to slip over head).
Put on the white top and poncho. Paint face with white make-up and spray hair with the glitter body spray. Rub a little black make-up safely under eyes.
Your ghost costume is complete!
Mummy costume
Put on the white top and tear strips from the large sheet. Ask someone to tie all the strips around you. Paint face with the white make-up, adding darker circles around eyes. For a more realistic effect, sprinkle baby powder in your hair and add a little on your sheet strips!