Hi everyone! As you may know Christmas is only 46 days away, which means it's 44 days until my little boy Jack turns two! It's gone so quick. It seems like only yesterday he was a newborn baby. Before I know it he will be starting first school! Last year for Jack's first birthday I had a small party at a
Wacky Warehouse. Not many people came with it being so close to Christmas. This year I am not sure what to do. Would it be over the top if I hired a church hall and a DJ for a second birthday? I don't want to let him down if you know what I mean; but at the same time I don't want to waste money! I am not sure if he is at the age where he would appreciate a disco; I know he loves music and dancing. On the other hand I was thinking of just going to a local farm with my Jack and my mum and having a small get together with some music. Would it be wrong not to invite any of his friends if I was to have a little family party? I don't want my friends to think I don't want to include their children but at the same time I don't want to arrange something and have only 4 or 5 people turn up!
Help me out with some ideas please! What do you think I should do? How have/would you celebrate a second birthday?