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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dribble Ons Review

After suffering with wet clothes from my dribbling toddler; I wanted to find something which would keep his clothes dry durring his dribbling time.
I came across Dribble Ons bandana dribble bibs which are from the makers of Sock Ons.
I was a little unsure if this would work. I brought 2 to test them out at £4.95 each I thought what a bargin; compared to some similar products out there.

I was so excited when they arrived I put one straight onto Jack. The product is lightweight and very stylish. The plan colours go with any outfit and it didn't bother Jack to have the bandana around his neck all day.
When bathtime came I could see that the Dribble On had worked! His top was completly dry and the Dribble On was wet! I couldn't beleive it! This simple combination of stretch cotton and terry toweling had absorbed his dribble keeping it away from his neck and chest.
When washing the product I thought it may become misshapen and would shrink; but when I washed it on a normal 60 degree wash and tumble dryed the product it came out looking perfect!
I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who has a dribbling teething baby.

My overall rating of Dribble Ons is

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